
Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH)

This website argues against certain aspects of the historical understanding of the Holocaust. The site and several of its main authors describe their purpose as the defense and promotion of intellectual freedom and the freedom to ask questions, examine evidence, and argue over its interpretation. With regard to current historical understanding of the Holocaust, the site and its major contributors assert their right to exercise intellectual freedom without being labeled anti-semitic for raising questions or for challenging interpretation of evidence. Nevertheless, a site such as this is controversial and vulnerable to charges of Anti-Semitism. The site is included here in order to present a range of modern opinion on the Holocaust and historical interpretation of the evidence for the Holocaust. As is the case with many websites and especially those that invite comments from their audience, some of the material on this site is not academic in tone or substance. On the other hand, some of the articles in particular are very focused in terms of the questions they raise and do endeavor to present valid evidence and argument. For an example of a site that responds to the kinds of arguments presented on this CODOH site, see the resource entitled, "Holocaust History Project: Refuting Holocaust Denials and Revisions."


Website Created

Last Website Update

Student Resource
Pages: 248-51

Teacher Resource
Pages: 78
